Latest Sightings September 2022

Click on the link to send in your sightings to help us monitor Emm Brook wildlife.This type of ‘citizen science’ allows us to get a clearer picture of what is happening along the Emm.

For previous months sightings see Archive

The "Area Seen" refers to the 11 sections that the Brook has been split into for monitoring purposes (see Wildlife page under Monitoring ).

For what you can expect to see on the Emm this month, click here September

All sightings unless stated are from personal observations by Eddie Napper.

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What is this life if full of care , we have no time to stand and stare.

Leisure - W. H. Davies.


29/09/22 A Hobby was feeding over a field in Area 8 at Old Forest Road/North Wokingham Distributor Road before heading off South West. Also seen were Meadow pipits and Linnets . Sightings by Paul O'Neill.

28/09/22  Sparrowhawk In Area 10 a Sparrowhawk was seen watching the Bird feeders by Adam McTiernan and another Sparrowhawk flew low over Paul Bright Thomas's house in Area 4 .

25/09/22 Over Paul Bright Thomas's Area 4 garden was a calling Goldcrest and a Sylark heading South. Recorded overnight on migration was a Redwing .

24/09/22 In Area 10 over the landfill a distant Skylark , 5+ Meadow Pipit and 15+ Swallow were seen. A Peregrine was circling the car park field and a Kestrel also flew over.A Sand Martin was feeding over Black Swan Lake, all sightings by Fraser Cottington.

20/09/22 Female  Tufted Duck &  Male Pochard A brief walk around Heathlake in Area 1 this morning was quite productive. Seen were 20+ Coot a Moorhen , 3 Great crested Grebe, a family group of Mute Swan, Mallard , Tufted Duck ,Gadwall a solitary male Pochard,  Grey Heron 15 Black headed Gull , 3 Cormorrant, 2 Grey Heron a Kingfisher was also seen flying across the lake before landing in the lakeside bushes.

19/09/22 Seen by Paul O'Neill in Area 8 were 12 Meadow Pipit that flew across the North Wokingham Distributor Road towards Old Forest Road Meadows.

18/09/22 Drifting South through Area 10 were 200+ House Martin and 40+ Swallow , 20 over Black Swan Lake and 20 moving South.Seen by Fraser Cottington.

17/09/22  Meadow Pipit At Old Forest Road Meadows in Area 8 there were 2 Meadow Pipit drinking and preening in one of the ponds. Also seen were Goldfinch , Greenfinch and Chiffchaff all in the hedgerows. In the Balancing pond was a Grey Heron and a family of 4 Moorhen 2 adults and 2 juveniles.  Moorhen . I later visited Area 1 around Ludgrove School a Kestrel was being mobbed by Carrion Crow , 3 Common Buzzard were riding the thermals. Over the cattle fields House Martin and  Common Buzzard Swallow were busy feeding. Green Woodpecker and Great spotted Woodpecker were also seen.In Area 10 a Little Egret flew out of the Emm Brook by the bridge from the carpark field. Seen by Trevor Guyatt.

15/09/22 In the recently cut meadow between Old Forest Road and North Wokingham Distributor Road in Area 8 a female/immature Wheatear was seen by Paul O'Neill. In Area 10 an adult Hobby was seen flying over the Old Golf Course a male Sparrowhawk was also seen hunting by Fraser Cottington.

14/09/22 Seen by Paul Bright Thomas in Area 4 on the topmost point of an ash tree, south of Emm Brook 100m downstream of Kingfisher Bridge was a Spotted Flycatcher . Also seen heading South were 4 Swallow .

13/09/22 At lunchtime today a calling Ring necked Parakeet was heard over my Area 4 garden.

12/09/22 4 Meadow Pipit were seen and heard over Area 4 by Paul Bright-Thomas.

11/09/22 In Area 7A a Kingfisher was seen on the Ashridge Stream at the junction of Toutley Rd/Old Forest Road by Paul O'Neill.

10/09/22 In Area 7A a male Peregrine was circling over the Matthews Green Farm area. Seen by Paul O'Neill.

09/09/22  Male Redstart Seen at the bottom of the Area 10 Carpark field by Fraser Cottington was a male Redstart . Also seen were 50 House Martin and Swallow drifting over in small groups and a Spotted Flycatcher by the big Hawthorn. Photo courtesy of Marek Walford.

07/09/22 A Spotted Flycatcher was still at the bottom of the Area 10 Carpark field, favouring the large Hawthorn. Seen by Marek Walford.

06/09/22 At least 5 Chiffchaff were calling along Emmbrook Walk and one singing. Mix of mostly scruffy, greyish adults and one very smart juvenile. Seen by Paul O'Neill.

05/09/22 A Hobby and a Spotted Flycatcher were seen in Area 10 at the end of the car Park field by Peter Scudamore.

03/09/22 In Area 5 seen during the Litter Pick were a Song Thrush , Jay and a flock ofBlue Tit. 2 Spotted Flycatcher were seen again in Area 10 at the end of the car Park field by Brian Bennett.

02/09/22 A Spotted Flycatcher was seen again in Area 10 at the end of the car Park field.

01/09/22  Spotted Flycatcher  Juvenile Seen in Area 8 in the Balancing Pond on Old Forest Road were 6 Mallard and a Grey Heron .Area 10 was busy again with Swift , Swallow House Martin and Sand Martin all seen heading South by Richard Marsh. In the Car Park Field were 8 Blackcap, Chiffchaff and a Bullfinch seen by Fraser Cottington. Later 2 Juvenile Spotted Flycatcher were seen near the stile by Nick Kightly. Superb photo courtesy of Paul Wright.


30/09/22 Despite the lower overnight temperatures the moth trap was out overnight on 29/09/22 in my Area 4 garden and emptied this morning.It was a dismal nights catch with 8 moths of 5 species in the trap. There were no highlights , with the same Autumnal suspects. No new moths were added to the FOTEB Moth list for the year .Following inspection and recording/photographing anything caught was released.

26/09/22  Sallow The moth trap was out again overnight on 25/09/22 in my Area 4 garden and taken in at 02:30 before the rain. It was emptied this morning. It was a dissapointing night. The catch was 18 moths of 9 species . There were no real highlights , with Sallow Xanthia icteritia the best of the bunch. No new moths were added to the FOTEB Moth list for the year .Following inspection and recording/photographing anything caught was released.

22/09/22  Lunar Underwing The moth trap was out again overnight on 21/09/22 in my Area 4 garden and emptied this morning. It was an average night. The catch was 52 moths of 13 species . Its that time of year when Lunar Underwing Omphaloscelis lunosa start to appear. A variable species, with individuals ranging from yellowish orange to dark brown. Also seen was a Maidens Blush Cyclophora punctaria.  Maidens Blush No new moths were added to the FOTEB Moth list for the year .Following inspection and recording/photographing anything caught was released.

19/09/22  L-album Wainscot The moth trap was out overnight on 18/09/22 in my Area 4 garden and emptied this morning. It turned out to be a good night. The catch was 95 moths of 25 species .  Red Green Carpet The highlight was definetly a very active L-album Wainscot Mythimna l-album This moth is normally a costal species, but is known to migrate. This specimen is the first recorded in Berkshire since 1970.A new moth for the FOTEB list. Another new moth for the year was a Red Green Carpet Chloroclysta siterata .  Black Rustic Also seen was a Black Rustic Aporophyla nigra . 4 new moths were added to the FOTEB Moth list for the year bringing the total for 2022 to 222 .Following inspection and recording/photographing anything caught was released.

17/09/22  Speckled Wood Seen enjoying the sunshine in Area 1 were 3 Speckled Wood Pararge aegeria and several Large White Pieris brassicae butterflies . A Speckled Wood Pararge aegeria was also on my Area 4 garden fence.

16/09/22  Gold Triangle The moth trap was out overnight on 15/09/22 in my Area 4 garden and emptied this morning. With the night time temperature only just in double figures it turned out to be a very ordinary catch with 53 moths of 13 species caught .  Gold Triangle The highlights were Gold Triangle Hypsopygia costalis This beautiful little moth has two distinctly different resting postures. In one, the moth adopts a 'triangular' shape, with the hindwings hidden by the forewings. At full rest, all four wings are splayed out and the tip of the abdomen is tilted upward. and a Yellow Shell Camptogramma bilineata .  Yellow Shell Also seen was a Dusky Thorn Ennomos fuscantaria . No new moths were added to the FOTEB Moth list .Following inspection and recording/photographing anything caught was released.

14/09/22  Odiellus spinosus Found on my garden shed in Area 4. Not really an Insect , but a Spider was the Harvestman Odiellus spinosus .The harvestman is very distinctive with a round, compact body and extremely long legs.Although it looks like a long-legged spider, it isn’t one. It is one of the Opilones, a group of arachnids closely related to spiders. Unlike the spiders, it has no silk glands so is not able to spin a web. It does not have fangs and does not produce venom.It catches its insect prey by using hooks on the ends of its legs. These arachnids defend themselves by secreting a foul-smelling fluid. If they are caught, they are able to shed a leg to escape.

13/09/22  The Vestal The moth trap was out overnight on 12/09/22 in my Area 4 garden and emptied this morning. It turned out to be a very good and mild night with 96 moths of 30 species caught .  Dark Spectacle The highlights were 2 first's to add to the FOTEB life list . They were The Vestal Rhodometra sacraria . The Vestal is a migrant species, occurring primarily in southern England and a Dark Spectacle Abrostola triplasia and  Small Blood-Vein Also seen was another first for the FOTEB life list a Small Blood-Vein Scopula imitaria . With 5 new moths added, this brings the FOTEB Moth list for 2022 to 218 species .Following inspection and recording/photographing anything caught was released. <

10/09/22  Pale mottled Willow Moth interest has progressively dwindled away this week in the face of increasingly hostile trapping conditions, however the moth trap was out overnight on 09/09/22 in my Area 4 garden and emptied this morning. The total numbers caught are still low with 53 moths of 18 species caught .  Flounced Rustic The highlights were the first Pale mottled Willow Caradrina clavipalpis of the year and a Flounced Rustic Luperina testacea . Celypha lacunana Also seen was another first for the year the micro moth Celypha lacunana . 3 new moths were added, this brings the FOTEB Moth list for 2022 to 213 species .Following inspection and recording/photographing anything caught was released.

06/09/22  Large White Still visiting my Area 4 garden flower's on a regular basis are Large White Pieris brassicae Butterflies

05/09/22  Box tree Moth I forgot to check the forecast last night and the moth trap was out overnight on 02/09/22 in my Area 4 garden. At 00.30 due to the heavy rain and thunderstorms, it was quickly bought in . It was however emptied this morning. The total numbers caught are low but for the above reasons , with 20 moths of 9 species in the trap .  Box tree Moth Dark Form The highlights were 7 Box tree moth Cydalima perspectalis a combination of normal and dark forms. No new moths were added to the the FOTEB Moth list.Following inspection and recording/photographing anything caught was released.

03/09/22  Angle Shades The moth trap was out overnight on 02/09/22 in my Area 4 garden and emptied this morning. The total numbers caught are still low with 90 moths of 21 species caught .  Broad- bordered Yellow Underwing The highlights were Angle Shades Phlogophora meticulosa and a female Broad -bordered Yellow Underwing Noctua fimbriata . Oak Hook-tip Also seen was Oak Hook -tip Watsonalla binaria . No new moths were added for the the FOTEB Moth list.Following inspection and recording/photographing anything caught was released.

01/09/22  Old Lady Walking along the river this afternoon in Area 8 whilst Balsam pulling, several male Banded Demoiselle Calopteryx splendens damselflies were seen on the wing. Also seen flying from the shelter of the riverside vegetation was an Old Lady Mormo maura moth (Library picture attached). Old Lady moths are so called because of the shawl-like pattern on the wings. Red Bean Gall On the leaves of Crack Willow Salix × fragilis was evidence of the presence of the gall of the Willow Red Gall Sawflly Euura proxima . Adults emerge in late spring, and females seek out suitable willows on which to lay eggs. Females inserts an egg into leaf tissue where it hatches and begins to eat the soft leaf tissue. This stimulates the leaf to produce a gall which is bean-shaped, smooth and emerges equally on both sides of the leaf. The gall may be green, red or yellow. A single larva feeds in the cavity of each gall. In mid summer the larva leaves the gall to drop to the ground where it pupates. A second brood emerges in late summer, and the fall larvae overwinter as pupae. Generally there are two generations per year.

Plants/ Trees

17/09/22  Evening Primrose Seen on a walk around Area 8 were a few Evening Primrose Oenothera biennis , they are now coming to the end of their season.  Wild Carrot They were introduced into the UK in the 1600s and has since become naturalised . Also seen was Wild Carrot Daucus carota . It flowers from June to September, eventually turning into concave, bird's-nest-like seed heads. .

03/09/22  Corncockle Another month and the Wildflower Patch in Area 5 near the Community Orchard is still looking good with Corncockle Agrostemma githago , Cornflower Centaurea cyanus , Ox- eye Daisy Leucanthemum vulgare , Corn Marigold Glebionis segetum and a few Common Poppy Papaver rhoeas .

Fungi Do not eat any fungi that have not been properly identified , some are DEADLY when ingested .

17/09/22  Field Mushroom In the fields around Area were several Field Mushroom Agrostemma githago also seen were 3 Puffball  Puffball Puffballs are a type of fungi featuring a ball-shaped fruit body that bursts on impact, releasing a cloud of dust-like spores when mature

01/09/22 With Autumn officially started lets hope its a good Fungi season.

Amphibians and Reptiles


18/09/22 I was abruptly woken from my sleep at 00:30 by a Red Fox Vulpes vulpes calling loudly in the road outside my Area 4 house.

09/09/22 A Red Fox Vulpes vulpes was heard calling at 03:50 this morning in Area 4.

09/09/22 In Area 5 a male Roe Deer Capreolus capreolus was seen walking down the road at 03:30.

Fish/ Crustaceans
